Vietnam Mobile Riverine Force Glossary

Courtesy of MRFA President Albert Moore (


ACTOC - Accelerated Turnover PlanMSO – Minesweeper Ocean
AHCO - Aviation Helicopter CompanyMSR – Minesweeper Patrol
APB - Self Propelled Barracks ShipNSA – Naval Support Activity
ARL - Repair Ship - Light NVA - North Vietnamese Army
ARVN - Army of the Republic of VietnamPACV - Patrol Air Cushion Vehicle
ASPB - Assault Support Patrol BoatPC - Submarine Chaser (Patrol Craft)
ATC - Armored Troop CarrierPBR - River Patrol Boat
ATSB - Advanced Tactical Support BasePCE - Patrol Escort
ATC(H) - Armored Troop Carrier (Helicopter)PCF - Patrol craft (Swiftboat)
CCB - Command Communication ( Control )BoatPF - Popular Forces
CSC - Coastal Surveillance CenterPG - Patrol Gunboat
DD - DestroyerPT - Patrol Torpedo
DE - Destroyer EscortPRU - Provincial Recon Units
DMZ - Demilitarized ZoneRAD - River Assault Division
EOD - Explosive Ordnance DisposalRAG - River Assault Group
FOM(short) - French River Patrol BoatRAID - River Assault-Interdiction(Div)
FOM(long) - French River Patrol BoatRAS - River Assault Squadron
HAL-3 - Helicopter Attack Light (UH-1 Hueys)ROK - Republic of Korea
HC-1 - Helicopter Combat Support Squadron OneRONONE - Squadron One (USCG)
HECP - Harbor Entrance Central PostRPC - River Patrol Craft
HPE - Harbor Patrol ElementRPG - Rocket Propelled Grenade
IUWG - Inshore Undersea Warfare GroupRSS - River Support Squadron
LCA - Landing Craft AssaultSAS - Special Air Service
LCM - Landing Craft MediumSEAL - Sea Air Land Team
LCPL - Landing Craft Personnel (Large)SEALORDS - Southeast Asia Lake, Ocean, River and Delta Strategy
LCS - Landing Craft SupportSEASHARP - Southeast Asia Semi-Permanent Harbor Protection
LCVP  -Landing Craft, Vehicles and PersonnelSOG - Special Operating Group
LSM - Landing Ship MediumSTAB - Strike Assault Boat
LSIL - Infantry Landing Ship LargeSWIFT BOAT- Inshore (PCF)
LSMR - Landing Ship Medium RocketTDY - Temporary Duty
LSSC - Light Seal Support CraftTF-115 - Market Time
LSSL - Support Landing Ship LargeTF-116 - Gamewardens
LST - Landing Ship TankTF-117 - Mobile Riverine Force
MAAG - Military Assistance Advisory GroupUSN - United States Navy
MACV - Military Assistance CommandVietnamUSCG - United States Coast Guard
MB1 - Mobile Support Base OneVC - Viet Cong
MB2 - Mobile Support Base TwoVAL-4 - Light Attack Squadron
MDMAF - Mekong Delta Mobile Afloat BaseVARS - Visual Airborne (Recon)
MIUWS - Mobile Inshore Undersea War SurveillanceVNAF  -South Vietnamese Air Force
MRB - Mobile Riverine BaseVNN - South Vietnamese Navy
MRF - Mobile Riverine ForceWHEC - High Endurance Cutter Craft (USCG)
MSB - Minesweeper Boat (Non) Magnetic)WPB - Patrol Craft (USCG)
MSC - Minesweeper Coastal (Non Magnetic)YRBM - Yard Repair Berthing and Mess
MSM - Minesweeper Medium