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323 entries.
Tom Twitty from Homosassa FL 34446 wrote on January 25, 2025
Gentlemen, Fantastic website you have developed. I am currently finishing up a Book titled "Mekong Delta Yacht Club" Subtitled "Grandads Gators Call-Up the Reserves." You can see more about it here. I want to use some of your Mekong Delta text and photos and will fully acknowledge your publishing efforts. My Army Reserve Unit, the 231st Transportation from St. Petersburg, was suddenly called up in 1968 to support Operation Game Warden and converted from an Army Heavy Boat Reserve Company and immediately converted to a Med Boat with 19 LCM8 Live Abord Boats. Our claim to fame was a Presidential Citation for an outstanding unit, delivering the most beer to all the bases in the delta, supporting the Riverine forces, etc. If this is cool with you guys, please send me an e-mail back to my Personal Reference MDYClub. Thanks, and I hope you got to drink some of our beer. As an Army Boat, our coolers were always stocked with the cold golden brew for all you Navy Guys that covered our ass. I will offer you our story for your website when it is finished. TJT 727 421-1360 cell & text
Alexander C Kaufbusch (Shellback) from Colorado Springs wrote on January 13, 2025
Looking for qa Copy from the 9th Div. Octofoil Paper, stating the move by the A Co. 3/60th INF. from the Benewa to the Colleton THEY moved US whithout OUR knowledge.Some of My Brothers dispute the move. Both Ships looked like Twins exept for the# 35/36. There used to be Trust in Broderhood that went away in Civilianhood.
George Alan Reischling from Rutledge wrote on January 9, 2025
Vietnam creed "To those who have fought for it, Life has a flavor that the protected will never know." Patrolling Vietnam's rivers was extremely hazardous duty! My limited visit on one of your riverboats was unnerving. Courage was your badge of honor! Good Job! 25th Infantry Division -Tay Ninh 1969-70 "Courage on the Mountain" Amazon Captivating, true, 900 plus 5 star reviews and Free on Amazon Prime Glad you made it home!, Welcome Home Brother!
William Houston from San Angelo, Texas wrote on November 29, 2024
I am making this entry for my father William Houston (Bill). He has been talking about his time in Vietnam to my brother and I lately. Dad is in very poor health due to his exposure to that nasty Agent Orange that most of you were exposed to. All I know about the unit he was stationed with is from the back of a picture that we found in some of dad's things. U.S. Navy Inshore Undersea Warfare Group 1, Harbor Entrance Control Post (HECP) Naa Trang, Cauda Harbor. ROV. Dated March 1968. If anyone of you served with my father or were friends of his or just remember him please reach out to me if you would like to. I know that it would mean a lot to my dad. I want anyone who reads this and served in the Vietnam to know that you sailors, soldiers and marines were my hero's. I am thankful that y'all are finally getting the respect that this nation owed you when you came home so long ago. Steven Houston Sgt. U.S. Army 1978-1982
Ronnie Deatherage from Rockwall,Texas wrote on November 27, 2024
Served with the 9th Infantry Division D/4/47th May 1968 to April 1969. Was a RTO and Squad leader in the 1st Platoon.
Thomas Hodgins from Spokane, WA wrote on November 25, 2024
1970 into 1972. Was attached to USS Kawishiwi AO146 off coast of Vietnam. Volunteered for duty in country. Received orders and sent to Naval Inshore Operations Training Center for Advisory duty. Was assigned to River Patrol Division (RPD) 57 in Nha Be. Escorted merchant ships up rivers and patrolled Rung Sat Special Zone. Then transferred to RPD 64 in Thuyen Nhon on the Vam Co Tay River. Embedded into Vietnamese navy. Never attached to a regular American unit.
Joe hellmann from Wolcott ct wrote on November 11, 2024
Served as Shipfitter/Fireman on Blanco County, LST-344. We would load up in Vung Tau and delivered our cargo everywhere! Your write-up failed to mention the hauling of 1/2 a million cans of Budweiser, Olympia, and Hamms beer. We’d even stack the pallets of beer around the bright red gasoline drums on the main deck to hide and protect them.
John W. Berry from Odessa, TX wrote on November 10, 2024
Received a Quilt of Valor yesterday and it was quite an honor. It's been 52 years since I left Vietnam but to be remembered this way is a humbling experience. Thank you MRFA so much.
Carl Holz from Lakeland Florida wrote on October 28, 2024
Served on LST 1077 from Vung Tau through Mekong delta as part of TF117. Received Purple Heart at DMZ. Wondered if crewman insignia can be worn on dress uniform. If so where, above or below ribbon rack. Am 77 next month and just had lung surgery to remove blood clots associated with agent orange consumed while in delta. Have cancer of blood. Cannot believe how many of my shipmates are already gone from same poison. Never forget our honor. While E5 radarman in delta eventually retired as Army chaplain with combined 32 years of service.
Huey Sullivan from Annandale, VA wrote on September 25, 2024
I am a Viet Nam vet. I served in a small outfit called Fleet Command. We were assigned to the South Viet Nam navy advisors. Our boats were surplus WW II LISLs. these were miniature LSTs. The well deck could hold 50 troops or one jeep. We were heavily armed: 1 50 canon, 1 twin 40mm canon on the bow, 2 MA2s, 2 80mm mortars, 1 60mm mortar, 2 .30 machine guns located on the bridge (1 for the CO; and 1 for the assigned advisor). 1 20mm aircraft canon that could be relocated to either the port side or starboard side. and one Honeywell hand-cranked grenade launcher that could be mounted on either port/starboard side. These were old boats, very primitive conditions. Spit and bailing wire held everything together. I googled Fleet Command and nothing was found. As far as history is concerned, we never existed!
John A Wilson from Queen Creek wrote on September 21, 2024
I served in RAD 153 from January 1969 to January 1970 aboard ASPB 6858. I would like to hear from some of the crew members from alpha 58 from 1969.
Wade Moss from Newport, Wa wrote on July 31, 2024
Howdy! First of all I want to say “thank you”! To all our Vietnam Vets! Your sacrifices will always be remembered! I am apart of a group of Vietnam Reenactors that is planning an event somewhere in north Idaho. Or possibly NE Washington. Still working out the details! We don’t have a PBR but we do have a Jet boat and will be recreating Operation Game Warden. I came here to learn all I could about your mission and history. Thank you! Anyone is more than welcome to reach out to me! Love you guys! Take care! Wade
David Billings from Encinitas, California wrote on June 30, 2024
Thanks for this article. I was on a courier mission to Phu Bai the night of January 31st. Lucky for me, having completed my mission, I was able to get a helicopter back to Danang shortly after the battle of Hue had begun. One minor correction to this article. The name of the river by the city is the Perfume River, or Song Huong in Vietnamese. David Billings, US Navy Reserves Naval Support Activity Danang, 1967-68
Brad Martin from Dearborn Heights, Michigan wrote on June 14, 2024
I am posting this in hopes of finding anyone who may have served with my brother, Garland B. Martin, Jr. He was on SEAL team 1, TF 116 Division 572 I believe. We believe he was there between 67 through 69. I just wanted to find someone who may have known him or served with him and to let them know unfortunately we lost our brother 18 FEB 24.
Thomas Michael Spencer from Jensen Beach wrote on April 15, 2024
Upon returning from Vietnam in 1970 myself. I had the good fortune of working for a company where the owner and President was a man named John M. Tolpa. He read like a Dewars profile. A mechanical engineer, attorney and Naval officer. He was in fact serving on the LST515 USS Caddo Parish while in Vietnam I believe as the engineering officer. As a Marine serving at the same time in Vietnam, we had a lot in common. I'm mentioning this because on Thanksgiving 2022. Jack passed away. I thought anyone of his shipmates who knew the man, might be interested to know. His son Stephen runs the company at present and I'm certain that he might like to hear from anyone who knew Jack Tolpa. I came to discover that there are only about 600,000 Vietnam veterans left. Hence my post. The company is the Tolan Machinery Co. in Rockaway, NJ. 973-983-7212. Ask for Stephen. Mention my name. Tom Spencer. God bless us and those like us.
George Giacoppe, LTC USA, Retired from Riverside, CA wrote on February 17, 2024
I still seek photos for my book: WAR SKETCHES FROM THE MEKONG; A Soldier's Reflections. My email is: I have completed my manuscript and would like to illustrate the book with clear photos of the ships and boats of the MRF. I would prefer email so that I will know how to contact you for any permissions and credits. Thanks! If any of the N4 or the S4 staff would like to contact me, I would be delighted.
Rich "Lucky" LaChance from Wilmington, OH wrote on February 16, 2024
Hi, I was the engineer on A-112-4, 68/69, I am trying to locate my crew members: Christopher Emerson Coxwain; Radioman Charles; Gunner; Ferdinandson, Boat Captain ?? Whitehorn Sorry, the memory is history. Remembering our 50 Caliber gunner Mike Salaba Thanks.
Michael Mortimore from Ravenshoe QLD Australia 4888 wrote on January 26, 2024
I am a Welfare Officer with the Ravenshoe Return Services League. An American Veteran and friend has passed away on the 14/01/2024 and we are going to conduct a Poppy Service for him. I am finding it very difficult to get his Record of Service. Is there a website you can simply type in his name and Date of Birth and get his Service History. His name is James Barry McLenson DOB 30/10/1944 he was born at the California Hospital, LA. He didn't talk much about Vietnam but he did mention he was in the Mekong Delta. Jim meet an Australian Lady on RnR, they had 2 sons and he settled in Australia after he retired from the Los Angeles Police Force.
George Giacoppe, LTC US Army, Retired from Riverside, California wrote on January 14, 2024
I was the S-4, 2nd Bde of the 9th Infantry Division from Dec 1967-Dec1968. I am writing a short book of my time in the MRF to be titled: "War Sketches From the Mekong"; and hope to publish on Amazon. I need clear photos of the craft used in the MRF including the USS Benewah, The Westchester County, especially after 1 Nov 68 when we lost 28 sailors and soldiers, but also the Tangos and the ASPBs and Monitors to put some visual support behind my words I need both permission and access to the photos. I am happy to pay a small fee for the access and will credit the photographer(s) and the MRF Association in the book. Cell: 714-235-4004. Email is desired. The Navy provided complete support with the 2 LSTs for both Army and Navy needs. I operated with the N-4 and would like contact with any of his staff from the Benewah. Thanks.
VERNE "toby" EDSTROM DC3 from DEADWOOD wrote on December 29, 2023
LSMR 409 USS Clarion River, Rocket Rain Maker Fall of 1966 thru 1968; LSD 27 USS Whetstone 1969. They would not send me back.
Jimmy Ray Wells from Humble wrote on December 15, 2023
I was on the LST 980 Meeker County and LST 1170 Wyndham County both during 1968 and 1969. I was with Boat Support Unit one out of Coronado in 1970 in Vietnam as a Mobil Support Team -2 Seal Support, detachment Charlie from May - December. I was on a LSSC (landing seal support craft), also called a STAB (seal team assault boat). We inserted and extracted the Seals. Our base was a Seafloat in the middle of Son Cau Lon River.
michael j saul from Glendale wrote on November 20, 2023
My AD-29 U.S.S. Isle Royale salvaged what we could from the U.S.S.Mahon LST-912 that broke it’s anchor chain and ran aground on the beach of Chu Lai. In the year of 1966.
Robert Anthony Nunes (Tony) QM-3 wrote on October 9, 2023
I served on LST-839 Iredell County; LST-515 Caddo Parrish as Quartermaster. When in 1969 w/ John Swofford on *In Country Combat* Tour of Duty. His account is a little off on transferring LST-515; missing key points as we rafted up in Vũng Tàu to swap ships! 1. We had just returned from a SOG Troop Extraction from Cambodia down around the horn (not supposed to do that) as we went in DARK w/o running lights (red lights only), just prior to the swap; ordered to stop logging location; then delivering those troops to Vũng Tàu. Why do I know? As Quartermaster of the Watch, that's what you do; Log Events & Location; 2. We took LST-515 to Philippine Naval Base at Sangley Point/Cavite City (near Manila, Philippines (not Subic Bay, where we went for Repairs; R/R/Leave) . Just before going to Clark AFB, by Angeles City to fly home! 3. Why is there no mention of LST-839 also extracting SOG from Cua Viet, DMZ after Tet Offensive Carpet Bombing the hell out of the place in 1959 50yrs later? It was well documented that USS New Jersey setting offshore blowing up Tiger Island, also Fired in 16"; Guns for cover fire in DMZ, after being rocketed so LST-839 could be loaded up. We had a swimmer at DaNang Fuel Dock under Red Alert too. SOG (dog tag-less) were camped out on deck, when we left heading for Okinawa, Japan. I believe this was Sept/Oct, when New Jersey was still there. Cua Viet had been Carpet Bombed nearby shown on maps for a few decades barren looking like the cratered moon. Doesn't anyone remember tying ourselves in, w/ Bow Hung Out Over Huge Waves... twisting and turning (could have ended up broke up in two) just keeping way on, over wall of water... 100 ft Waves; 300 ft Crest to Crest (felt like we were on a empty row boat/cork bobbing around, instead of a ship. Thinking we weren't going to make as we entered the Eye of that Typhoon... after Leaving Okinawa? After being called back at midnight, partying in Naha... drunk! 4. And I'll never forget a young Gunner's Mate, after the storm, blowing his own head off! Why? Because as my friend, he was dropped out of Annapolis, as son of a High Ranking Officer after attempted Hazing him, w/a broom stick up his A$$. He was my friend; he told me about it. I tried to prevent him from blowing his head off, but was too late, after remembering something he said earlier, knowing he was depressed. His body bag was stored in the Reefer, where I worked mess cooking! Truth needs to come out now 50 yrs later. He didn't deserve it nor the ignorant treatment by fellow Navy Personnel after being busted down to regular Navy! ...he never would have done that, if the Gung Ho Spirit of Macho Man Identity wasn't so prevalent in Military Service. HAZING was acceptable, but not sexual like in prison. This should be seen as 1 of the Devil's Tools to degrade; hold power of over others by BULLIES. In his case just because he was son of high ranking officer! 5. How about Bridge Ramp near miss, only because of being late did we witnessed 5-Rockets land where we would have been feet away. With hits on Helicopter Pad, Guard Tower, etc. I was on the Helm! QM-3/Striker Nunes Does anyone remember that Gunners Mate's Name on LST-839 Iredell County, after leaving Okinawa dropping off Troops? Should be in Log Book, but being transferred to microfiche now!
Mike Harris from Monroe, Oregon wrote on September 12, 2023
As Webmaster I thought I'd jump in here and grab the 300th entry to our Guestbook. Keep them coming folks...! Mike
Frederick Allen Camacho, USA Major Retired from Wisconsin Rapids wrote on September 1, 2023
In memory of my brother-in-law Jimmy Harries, killed June 25, 1968, Cau Viet. A young man I never met, whose sister I married in June of 1969. He must have been a fine sailor to have sister like Joyce.