9th Infantry Division

Killed in Action in Vietnam

“May our Brothers Rest in Peace”


9th Infantry Division Posthumous Recipients of the Medal of Honor
Last NameGiven NamesRankUnitProvince
DE VOREEDWARD ALLENSP4B Company 4th Battalion 39th InfantryTay Ninh
FOUSJAMES WILLIAMPFCE Company 4th Battalion 47th InfantryKien Hoa
NASHDAVID PAULPFCB Company 2nd Battalion 39th InfantryGo Cong

Click the above last names to see their citations. Click HERE to see other 9th Infantry and Mobile Riverine Force Medal of Honor Recipients.

Army 9th Infantry Division Medal of Honor Recipients
Last NameGiven NamesRankUnitProvince
BARRIOSJAMES PATRICKSP4D Company 6th Battalion 31st InfantryDinh Tuong
BEAGLEHOWARD EUGENESGTH&H Company 3rd Battalion 60th InfantryLong An
DIXONPATRICK MARTIN1LTE Company 5th Battalion 60th InfantryLong An
DOWNINGLESTER EARLPFCC Company 2nd Battalion 60th InfantryDinh Tuong
DUNLOPJOHNSTONSSGE Company 50th Infantry LRRPHua Nghia
FESKENWILLIAMPFCA Company 3rd Battalion 47th InfantryTay Ninh
HUDSONJOSEPH WILLIAMCPTH&H Company 2nd Battalion 39th InfantryDinh Tuong
JABLONSKIJOHN ANDREWSGTC Company 6th Battalion 31st InfantryLong An
JONESDENNIS KEITHSP4B Company 6th Battalion 31st InfantryGia Dinh
NELSONLARRY DOUGLASSP4C Company 6th Battalion 31st InfantryLong An
NUTTWALTER LEE IIIPFCD Company 4th Battalion 39th InfantryKien Phong
O'REILLYANTHONY PAUL1LTA Company 2nd Battalion 39th InfantryKien Tuong
PINAFRANK DAVIDCPTCO A Company 3rd Battalion 60th InfantryPhong Dinh
ROBINSONCALVINSP4D Company 6th Battalion 31st InfantryDinh Tuong
RONIGERJUNIOR FLOYDSGTB Company 3rd Battalion 60th InfantryKien Hoa
RUSSELLGREGORY ALLENSGTC Company 6th Battalion 31st InfantryLong An
SANDERSONJACK JOHNSTONEPFCMedic w A Company 2nd Battalion 60th InfantryLong An
SCARBOROUGHEDMUND BAGWELCPTCO C Company 5th Battalion (Mechanized) 60th InfantryGia Dinh
SCHROEDERDONALD BENJAMINLTCBn CO 2nd Battalion 39th Infantrynot listed
SCHULTZROBERT WILLIAMSSGH&H Company 2nd Battalion (Mechanized) 47th InfantryBien Hoa
SCIBILIAROBERT PETERSP4B Company 3rd Battalion 60th InfantryKien Hoa
SHAWWILLIAM FREDERICK JSGTD Company 5th Battalion 60th InfantryBinh Duong
SMITHLYNN HUDSON1LTA Company 3rd Battalion 47th InfantryDinh Tuong
SQUIRESDAVID RAYSP5Medic w A Company 2nd Battalion 60th InfantryLong An
STEINERMARK STEPHEN2LTFO w A Company 2nd Battalion 60th InfantryLong An
TASKERJAMES BRUCEWO1D Troop 3rd Squadron 5th CavalryLong An
TIFFANYDAVID LSP5E Company 5th Battalion 60th InfantryLong An
VICKERSROGER LEE1LTC Company 5th Battalion 60th InfantryKien Tuong
WINSTONALVESTER LEESGTA Company 3rd Battalion 47th InfantryKien Phong